
Since Android 4.3, SELinux is part of the Security Enhancements for Android and contributes to the Android security model by enforcing mandatory access control over all processes and by confining privileged processes besides Linux's native discretionary access control.

This article focuses on Android's SELinux kernel policy. I explain in detail how SELinux statements are transformed into a binary file. I dissect briefly its file format and, I introduce a proof-of-concept tool I wrote, sedump, to get back SELinux equivalent statements from a binary file extracted from an Android ROM for instance.

Building Android sepolicy

The journey begins with understanding how Android's SELinux kernel policy is generated. Source files required to build Android's sepolicy can be downloaded either from the Android Source Tree (external/sepolicy) or from the Security Enhancements (SE) for Android repositories (external-sepolicy).

$ git clone
$ cd sepolicy
$ ls
access_vectors          bluetoothdomain.te  dnsmasq.te            [...]
adbd.te                 bluetooth.te        domain_deprecated.te  [...]              bootanim.te         domain.te             [...]

Like any other Android project, rules to build output files are described inside a make file named Let us dissect that file, especially rules to build the sepolicy target:

LOCAL_MODULE := sepolicy

include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/
sepolicy_policy.conf := $(intermediates)/policy.conf
$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): $(sepolicy_policy.conf) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/checkpolicy
    @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
    $(hide) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/checkpolicy -M -c $(POLICYVERS) -o $@ $<
    $(hide) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/checkpolicy -M -c $(POLICYVERS) -o \
        $(dir $<)/$(notdir $@).dontaudit $<.dontaudit

When run, the sepolicy target outputs two files, sepolicy and sepolicy.dontaudit, into the $(intermediates) folder defined by the Android build system. These two files are generated with checkpolicy by providing respectively $(sepolicy_policy.conf) and $(sepolicy_policy.conf).dontaudit as input.

sepolicy_policy.conf := $(intermediates)/policy.conf
$(sepolicy_policy.conf): PRIVATE_MLS_SENS := $(MLS_SENS)
$(sepolicy_policy.conf): PRIVATE_MLS_CATS := $(MLS_CATS)
$(sepolicy_policy.conf): $(call build_policy, $(sepolicy_build_files))
    @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
    $(hide) m4 $(PRIVATE_ADDITIONAL_M4DEFS) \
        -D mls_num_sens=$(PRIVATE_MLS_SENS) -D mls_num_cats=$(PRIVATE_MLS_CATS) \
        -D target_build_variant=$(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT) \
        -s $^ > $@
    $(hide) sed '/dontaudit/d' $@ > $@.dontaudit

The sepolicy_policy.conf target outputs two files, $(intermediates)/policy.conf and $(intermediates)/policy.conf.dontaudit. The general-purpose macro processor M4 expands files listed in the $(sepolicy_build_files) variable in order to generate policy.conf and its stripped off version policy.conf.dontaudit. $(sepolicy_build_files) simply lists all source files required to build the Android SELinux kernel policy:

sepolicy_build_files := security_classes initial_sids access_vectors \
    global_macros neverallow_macros mls_macros mls policy_capabilities \
    te_macros attributes ioctl_macros *.te roles users initial_sid_contexts \
    fs_use genfs_contexts port_contexts

Let us precise that this file list can be overriden with board specific files while executing $(call build_policy, $(sepolicy_build_files)). This is an expected behaviour in Android build system when defining BOARD_SEPOLICY_* variables.

All the brick put back together, one can generate easily a sepolicy file outside of Android build system. checkpolicy is not an android-specific tool, thus one provided with the setools package in your default Linux distribution should be enough:

$ sudo apt-get install m4 setools
$ m4 -D mls_num_sens=1 -D mls_num_cats=1024 -D target_build_variant=user \
     -s security_classes initial_sids access_vectors global_macros \
        neverallow_macros mls_macros mls policy_capabilities te_macros \
        attributes ioctl_macros *.te roles users initial_sid_contexts \
        fs_use genfs_contexts port_contexts > policy.conf
$ checkpolicy -h
usage:  checkpolicy [-b] [-d] [-U handle_unknown (allow,deny,reject)] \
                    [-M][-c policyvers (15-29)] [-o output_file]      \
                    [-t target_platform (selinux,xen)] [input_file]
$ checkpolicy -M -c 29 -o sepolicy policy.conf
checkpolicy:  loading policy configuration from policy.conf
checkpolicy:  policy configuration loaded
checkpolicy:  writing binary representation (version 29) to sepolicy
$ file sepolicy
sepolicy: SE Linux policy v29 MLS 8 symbols 7 ocons

checkpolicy accepts numerous options. The -M option is a flag to indicate that the compiled policy should embed multi-level security statements and the -c specifies the policy version.

Understanding the SELinux Kernel Policy File Format

Let us dig the subject deeper by understanding how the SELinux textual statements are transformed into a binary kernel policy. Unfortunately for us, the SELinux kernel policy file format is not documented, probably because it is a complex format which depends heavily on the policy version.

The main entry point for checkpolicy is located in checkpolicy.c. In a few words, a SELinux policy is represented in memory by a policydb_t data structure. It is zeroed and initialized by the policydb_init() method, and its members are set while parsing SELinux statements using LEX and YACC (policy_scan.l and policy_parse.y) in read_source_policy(). Once fully parsed, checkpolicy outputs the resulting SELinux kernel policy binary to the path specified in the command line. The method policydb_write() is in charge of writing a policydb_t on the disk.

I deliberately skip the parsing of the SELinux statement and I assume that the policy has been loaded and the policydb_t data structure is ready to be written on the disk. The following listing handles writing the binary policy on the disk:

struct policy_file pf;
if (outfile) {
    outfp = fopen(outfile, "w");
    if (!cil) {
        printf("%s:  writing binary representation (version %d) to %s\n",
               argv[0], policyvers, outfile);
        policydb.policy_type = POLICY_KERN;

        pf.type = PF_USE_STDIO;
        pf.fp = outfp;
        ret = policydb_write(&policydb, &pf);
    } else {

policydb_write() expects two arguments: a reference to a policydb_t data structure and a reference to a struct policy_file. The later is an abstration layer for possible input or output formats (memory-mapped memory or basic I/O). The struct policy_file is defined as follows in libsepol:

/* A policy "file" may be a memory region referenced by a (data, len) pair
   or a file referenced by a FILE pointer. */
typedef struct policy_file {
#define PF_USE_MEMORY  0
#define PF_USE_STDIO   1
#define PF_LEN         2 /* total up length in len field */
    unsigned type;
    char *data;
    size_t len;
    size_t size;
    FILE *fp;
    struct sepol_handle *handle;
} policy_file_t;

Let us focus now on policydb_write() (defined in libsepol/src/write.c) to understand the format of the binary policy. SELinux policies can be defined via a SELinux kernel policy or a SELinux module policy: as we are only interested in SELinux kernel policies, one can focus only on code path satisfying p->policy_type == POLICY_KERN in the source code.

policydb_write() begins an SELinux kernel policy binary with a magic number that holds the type of policy. It writes then information related to policy compatibility: the length of a standardized string identifier and the string identifier itself ("SE Linux" or "XenFlask" or "SELinux Module"), the policy version number, the configuration (e.g, MLS policy or not), the symbol array and object context array sizes. To illustrate the file format, I wrote an incomplete 010Editor template that parses the SELinux kernel policy header.

$ cat
typedef enum <uint> {
    MLS    = 1

typedef struct {
    uint magic <format=hex>; // 0xf97cff8c (SELINUX_MAGIC) or 0xf97cff8d (SELINUX_MOD_MAGIC)
    uint target_len;
    if (target_len > 0)
        uchar target[target_len]; // "SE Linux" or "XenFlask" or "SELinux Module"
    uint version;
    CONFIG config;
    uint sym_num;
    uint ocon_num;
} SELinuxPolicyHeader;

typedef struct {
    SELinuxPolicyHeader header;
} SELinuxPolicy;

    SELinuxPolicy policy;
    Warning("Incomplete template, stopped." );
    return -1;

Using Python format parser (pfp), one can dissect an sepolicy header with the above mentionned template. As expected, we manage to retrieve the same piece of information as file:

$ cat
import sys, pfp

dom = pfp.parse(data_file=sys.argv[1], template_file=sys.argv[2])
$ python sepolicy
0000 struct {
    0000 policy     = 0000 struct {
        0000 header     = 0000 struct {
            0000 magic      = UInt(4185718668 [f97cff8c])
            0004 target_len = UInt(8 [00000008])
            0008 target     = UChar[8] ('SE Linux')
            0010 version    = UInt(29 [0000001d])
            0014 config     = Enum<UInt>(1 [00000001])(MLS)
            0018 sym_num    = UInt(8 [00000008])
            001c ocon_num   = UInt(7 [00000007])
$ file sepolicy
sepolicy: SE Linux policy v29 MLS 8 symbols 7 ocons

The SELinux kernel policy header is followed by two serialized ebitmap_t (libsepol/ebitmap.c): on that stores polcap statements and another one for permissive statements. To output these bitmaps, the template has been updated with the following:

$ cat
} SELinuxPolicyHeader;

typedef struct {
    uint   start;
    uint64 bits;

typedef struct {
    uint size;
    uint highbit;
    uint count;
    BITMAP node[count];
} SELinuxPolicyEBitmap;

typedef struct {
    SELinuxPolicyHeader  header;
    if (header.version >= 22)
        SELinuxPolicyEBitmap polcap;
    if (header.version >= 23)
        SELinuxPolicyEBitmap permissive;
} SELinuxPolicy;
$ python sepolicy
0000 struct {
    0000 policy     = 0000 struct {
        0020 polcap     = 0020 struct {
            0020 size       = UInt(64 [00000040])
            0024 highbit    = UInt(64 [00000040])
            0028 count      = UInt(1 [00000001])
            002c node       = BITMAP[1]
                002c node[0] = 002c struct {
                        002c start      = UInt(0 [00000000])
                        0030 bits       = UInt64(3 [0000000000000003])
        0038 permissive = 0038 struct {
            0038 size       = UInt(64 [00000040])
            003c highbit    = UInt(0 [00000000])
            0040 count      = UInt(0 [00000000])
            0044 node       = BITMAP[0]

In AOSP, policycap statements are defined in policy_capabilities. There are two policy capability defined, network_peer_controls and open_perms, which is consistent with the above displayed bitmap and the meaning of each bit defined in libsepol/polcaps.c. Furthermore, no permissive type is defined in the AOSP SELinux configuration which likely explain the empty bitmap for permissive.

Unfortunately, the remaining SELinux kernel policy is a bit tedious to explain as there are many data structures involved and to serialize: policydb_write() outputs identifiers declarations (common, types, attributes, etc.) and the defined access vector rules (allow, deny, dontaudit, etc. rules.). Let us detail the serialization of common permission sets.

Common permission sets are stored in the policydb_t data structure in the symtable[0].table field. It is a hash table with the common permission set identifier as key and a reference to a common_datum_t as value. The latter is a structure with a datum_t (i.e., index) and an hash table listing the permission associated with the common identifier. All these structures are defined in libsepol/sepol/policydb/policydb.h.

In libsepol, hashtab_t hash tables are all serialized in the same way. The serialized structure contains a nprim member, keys and values of the hash table and additionnally nelem, representing the number of elements stored in the hash table. These members can be found in the serialized symtable[0].table and common_datum_t. As for strings identifiers, they are simply serialized with the string itself and its length. Here is an updated template to parse the common permission group:

$ cat
} SELinuxPolicyEBitmap;

typedef struct {
    uint len;
    uint datum;
    uchar identifier[len];

typedef struct {
    uint len;
    uint datum;
    uint perm_nprim;
    uint perm_nelem;
    uchar identifier[len];
    PERMISSION permission[perm_nelem];

typedef struct {
    uint nprim;
    uint nelem;
    switch (i) {
        case 0: // common statements
            COMMON common[nelem];
        default: // not handled yet
            return -1;

typedef struct {
    SELinuxPolicyHeader  header;
    if (header.version >= 22)
        SELinuxPolicyEBitmap polcap;
    if (header.version >= 23)
        SELinuxPolicyEBitmap permissive;
    for (local int i = 0; i < header.sym_num; i++) {
        SYMBOL symbol;
} SELinuxPolicy;
$ python sepolicy
0000 struct {
    0000 policy     = 0000 struct {
        0044 symbol     = 0044 struct {
            0044 nprim      = UInt(3 [00000003])
            0048 nelem      = UInt(3 [00000003])
            004c common     = COMMON[3]
                004c common[0] = 004c struct {
                        004c len        = UInt(6 [00000006])
                        0050 datum      = UInt(2 [00000002])
                        0054 perm_nprim = UInt(22 [00000016])
                        0058 perm_nelem = UInt(22 [00000016])
                        005c identifier = UChar[6] ('socket')
                        0062 permission = PERMISSION[22]
                            0062 permission[0] = 0062 struct {
                                    0062 len        = UInt(6 [00000006])
                                    0066 datum      = UInt(10 [0000000a])
                                    006a identifier = UChar[6] ('append')
                            0070 permission[1] = 0070 struct {
                                    0070 len        = UInt(4 [00000004])
                                    0074 datum      = UInt(11 [0000000b])
                                    0078 identifier = UChar[4] ('bind')
                            007c permission[2] = 007c struct {
                                    007c len        = UInt(7 [00000007])
                                    0080 datum      = UInt(12 [0000000c])
                                    0084 identifier = UChar[7] ('connect')

As the process is slightly the same for the other statements, I will leave to the curious reader the decoding of the remaining binary as an exercise.

Dumping sepolicy back to policy.conf

So far, I assumed that one had the source code to build the sepolicy file. Unfortunately, real life is far from being that easy and all you have, when analyzing an Android system, is a binary SELinux kernel policy file. Furthermore, this policy file is rarely the one from AOSP as manufacturers may add (and they generally do!) a new set of rules to reduce the attack surface on the services they added.

In order to audit SELinux statements, most of the time, one have to extract information from the binary policy file using setools3 utilities (apol, sesearch, seinfo, sediff, etc.) for instance. That work is particularly tedious as these tools output only a fragment of the sepolicy file at a time and one may have to juggle with multiple tools to get an information of the binary file.

To my surprise and to my knowledge, no tool exists to extract a compilable policy.conf file from a sepolicy binary [1]. However, as we have just seen in the previous section, the SELinux kernel policy is simply a serialized version of a policydb_t structure, built from parsing the policy.conf file. Moreover, checkpolicy is able produce a semantically equivalent binary kernel policy (see -b option) from a compiled kernel policy. Thus, it should be possible to deserialize an sepolicy binary and get back a policy.conf file equivalent to the original one.

$ checkpolicy -b -M -c 29 -o sepolicy
checkpolicy:  loading policy configuration from sepolicy
libsepol.policydb_index_others: security:  1 users, 2 roles, 534 types, 0 bools
libsepol.policydb_index_others: security:  1 sens, 1024 cats
libsepol.policydb_index_others: security:  55 classes, 4473 rules, 0 cond rules
checkpolicy:  policy configuration loaded
checkpolicy:  writing binary representation (version 29) to
$ sediff -q --stats sepolicy/sepolicy \; sepolicy/
$ echo $?

I quickly wrote a proof-of-concept tool called sedump few weeks ago, using setools4's python bindings. As setools4 is still in alpha version and may conflict with setools3, I recommend to run it inside a docker container:

$ sudo apt-get install docker-engine python-pip
$ sudo pip install docker-compose
$ git clone
$ cd sedump/docker
$ docker-compose build master
$ docker-compose up -d master
$ docker-compose run master

So far, it has been tested with sepolicy binaries built from AOSP and sepolicy binaries extracted from Samsung stock ROMs. Currently, binary policies with conditional access vectors are not working, I am still working on the problem.

docker@5534108629ba:~$ cd setools
docker@5534108629ba:~/setools$ python develop
docker@5534108629ba:~/setools$ python sedump sepolicy -o policy.conf

Outside the docker container, one can test that the policy.conf file is semantically equivalent to the original one, by compiling it and running a diffing tool like sediff:

$ checkpolicy -M -c 29 -o policy.conf
checkpolicy:  loading policy configuration from policy.conf
checkpolicy:  policy configuration loaded
checkpolicy:  writing binary representation (version 29) to
$ sediff -q --stats sepolicy \;
$ echo $?
[1]dispol currently only displays access vector and conditional access vector rules.


Security Enhancements for Android, and more generally SELinux, is a really complex subject. In this article, I covered only a tiny part of this solution, which has been an integral part of the Android security model since Android 4.3.

We have dissected, first, Android's build system to understand how was generated the SELinux kernel policy binary for Android. The whole build process is not that different from SELinux for desktops, it heavily uses m4 and checkpolicy to respectively expand and build a monolithic policy from a set of SELinux statements. As regular versions of m4 and checkpolicy are used, one can build a sepolicy out of Android source tree easily.

Then, I dug further in the policy compilation process by analyzing the source code of checkpolicy. We introduced data structures used to store these statements in memory and I presented briefly the file format of an SELinux kernel policy. The sepolicy binary is simply a serialized version of a policydb_t structure, built from parsing the policy.conf file.

Finally, I introduced a proof-of-concept tool, sedump, to decompile or deserialize a sepolicy binary into a text file policy.conf, and, to my surprise, no such tool exists. Once decompiled, one can audit the SELinux policy the hard way, modify it and compile it to get a new policy file if needed.

Please note that sedump is still in alpha-version: do not hesitate to give us feedbacks or report failing test cases to us via github. A known limitation is binary policies with conditional access vectors, if/else statement may not be correctly rendered. There is a lot of work to do before thinking about merging it into setools4's mainline.

- Fernand LONE SANG


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